Jean K. Gill, AWS, NWS
Original Watercolors

Jean is an artist, juror and educator with a love of both science and art. She encourages her students to experiment with water media, find and express their passion, and to enjoy the pursuit of individual style and personal growth.
Her own work is representational rather than realistic. She stresses pattern and shape, and infuses her creations with energy, celebration, or drama. She works mostly in primary and secondary colors and enjoys exaggerating contrasts, painting the negative space, and watching the watercolors flow. As her work evolved, she incorporated more abstraction, focused on edges, applied bolder color, and painted more vertically to capture the action of water and pigment running across the paper’s surface.
Jean is a signature member of the American, National, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Western Colorado (Master), Rocky Mountain National Watermedia, Baltimore (WME Watermedia Master Elite), and Philadelphia Watercolor Societies. In 2022, she was inducted into the Sylvan Grouse Guild in recognition of awards won in PWS international exhibitions. In 2019, she received the Crest Medal Award from PWCS for consistent excellence in their international shows. Her paintings are included in numerous national and international publications. In the National Watercolor Society’s 79th Annual Exhibition, her work won the Watercolor West Award and was selected for the NWS Travel Show Exhibition 2000. Her watercolors have been accepted into over 150 juried shows including five NWS Internationals and ten AWS International Exhibitions. In 2004, she received the AWS Mario Cooper and Dale Meyers Medal, and her work toured in the AWS Annual Traveling Exhibitions, 2004 - 05 and 2021- 22. In 2006, she was recognized in the 20th anniversary issue of Watercolor as one of 20 emerging artists. In 2008, she received the “Phil Dike Award” in the NWS All Member Show, and her students nominated her for the Virginia Governor's Award for the Arts. In 2010, she was one of 20 Americans included in the Zhujiajiao International Watercolour Biennial Exhibition in China. In 2018, she returned to China where her work was included in the Missouri Watercolor Society's international show at the Qingdao Laotian Museum, with additional work shown, by invitation, in Shoxi and Taicang. Jean has served on the Board of the Virginia Watercolor Society, as an officer of Potomac Valley Watercolorists, and as a chapter president and coordinating council chair of the Delta Kappa Gamma International Honor Society of Professional Women Educators.
* All images on this site are protected by U. S. Copyright laws. No image may be reproduced without the express, written permission of the artist, Jean K. Gill. This is the web site titled Jean K. Gill, AWS, NWS Watercolors or My Vxw Site Jxv4ww.